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Evaporative cooling systems are a great choice if you are looking for an office or home cooling system that is eco-friendly, cost-effective, and works efficiently. However, you must know how to use it to enjoy its unique advantages. Here, we'll consider how to use evaporative cooling systems.

You can directly learn the differences between traditional air conditioners and evaporative air conditioners and how they work. This blog also discusses how to use evaporative coolers on humid days, how to get the best home cooling effect from evaporative air coolers, and why your evaporative air conditioner needs regular servicing.

Air Conditioners vs. Evaporative Air Conditioners

Evaporative air conditioners use a more innovative approach when functioning than conventional air conditioners. For example, one advantage of evaporative air conditioners over reverse cycle air conditioners is that you do not need to set them in zones for optimal performance and energy efficiency. Continue reading to learn the differences in how evaporative conditioners work and their benefits over traditional air conditioning units.

How conventional air conditioning works

Conventional air conditioning first takes in air inside your home and passes it through the fan coil. The fan coil cools the air down and sends it back into your home. As a result, you have to close your doors and windows so the cooled air does not escape. You also have to give the air some time to get cold.

How evaporative coolers work

An evaporative cooler cools air through the process of evaporating water. It first draws in fresh, hot/warm, dry air from outside your home. The air comes in through the cooling unit at the top of your roof. This cooling unit is connected to a system of ducts or outlets.

The evaporation cooling process

The office or home cooling process begins when the evaporative cooler takes in warm air and produces cool air. The wet filter pads or quilts are essential since they absorb heat and filter the warm air.

This results in not just the process of evaporation cooling the air but also an increase in moisture content. Ultimately, this approach allows you to use evaporative cooling in open areas.

This cool air is subsequently blasted through the system of ducts to the rooms you wish to cool. After that, the air goes out through your open doors and windows. The entire process thus provides a consistent supply of cool air.

Benefits of evaporative cooling over traditional air conditioning

  • Evaporative systems have a unique design that consumes less power per hour. Thus, they are more cost-saving (in terms of running costs) and eco-friendly.
  • Evaporative coolers do not use or release CFCs, which could possibly affect the ozone layer. This contributes to their eco-friendly nature.
  • An evaporative air conditioner is more efficient and practical in areas with dry, hot climates.
  • The home cooling process is healthier because evaporative cooling – unlike traditional home cooling systems – does not use recycled air. It completely replaces stale air with fresh air that does not irritate some people's eyes as air conditioning tends to do.
  • The evaporative home cooling process does not recirculate smells and allergens. Therefore, asthma patients or those with allergies usually prefer evaporative cooling systems.
  • Another advantage of evaporative cooling over air conditioning is the room to leave your doors and windows open even in summer.
  • With evaporative air coolers, stale indoor air goes out, and outside air is pulled in. The resulting fresh air and reduced humidity levels make evaporative coolers a CDC and EPA-recommended device during the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Evaporative coolers can help reduce everyday cooling costs and improve your home's climate. The air conditioning unit can also be up to 50% cheaper than reverse-cycle or ducted systems.

How to Use Evaporative Coolers on Humid Days

Evaporative cooling systems require consistent dry air and relatively low humidity to cool your home effectively. In other words, evaporative coolers function best when your outside air is hot and humidity is below 50%. If the humidity increases by 50%, you may possibly decide to switch to using refrigerated cooling.

Evaporative cooling systems can ideally provide a temperature differential of up to 14C. If you are in Adelaide, your evaporative coolers will likely be active almost all summer. After all, you usually have mild summers and low humidity levels.

Getting the best home cooling effect from evaporative air coolers

Air coolers help you stay comfy and provide a cool breeze to enjoy your living room or patio. Here are some handy tips for the best evaporative home cooling effect.

  • Indoor air coolers function best and provide more evaporation with warm, dry air. The maximum relative humidity should be 50% or less.
  • Air coolers can also boost humidity, so you can use them to maintain a cool breeze in dry weather.
  • Outdoor air coolers tend to work best in drier air.
  • Evaporative coolers help reduce warm air and make backyard hangouts more comfortable than natural wind or fans.
  • It is often best to place air coolers near open windows. This way, it can efficiently pull in and circulate fresh air.
  • Experiment with the best cooler positioning and open window/door combination for the best airflow.
  • Adding ice to your water tank can boost your air cooler.
  • You can place yourself in front of the cool air stream to feel the best home cooling effect.
  • Setting up portable Honeywell Air coolers in the best spots for direct airflow to your body is easy.
  • Get the right air cooler for the size of your space. A mini-cooler may not efficiently cool a giant room. You may use the recommended coverage area as specified by the manufacturer.
  • Clean the cooling pads in air coolers regularly – at least once every month. You may use lukewarm water with a mild detergent. This will help prevent dust and dirt accumulation.
  • Create cross-ventilation by keeping doors and windows open for good airflow. Evaporative coolers need good ventilation.
  • Running your cooler in the middle or hottest part of the day provides the most significant home cooling effect.
  • Note that evaporative cooling systems must run longer if your building absorbs heat. You may run evaporative coolers earlier on hot days.

Why your evaporative air conditioner needs regular servicing

Regular servicing helps evaporative coolers stay clean and in good condition. Without regular servicing, evaporative air conditioning coolers may not provide the expected cooling effects or help you save money on energy bills.

How to Service Evaporative Air Conditioners

The purchase prices for the parts for many evaporative air conditioning systems are pretty cheap. Furthermore, it does not need a compressor and has low maintenance costs. Many people thus find it an attractive option for their residential or commercial property. Air conditioning service specialists can do the following during regular servicing and maintenance.

  • Check for build-ups and cleaning components such as water pumps.
  • Inspecting the cooling pads and washing and replacing them when necessary. Note that the system relies on clean cooling pads for better airflow.
  • Your air conditioning technician can also regularly drain and clean the reservoir so it holds the correct amount of water
  • Check the fan speed
  • Provide anti-bacterial treatment if needed.
  • Check for even cooling and operation.
  • Your air conditioning specialist may inspect the water distribution system for leaks and clean clogged nozzles.
  • You may expect them to lubricate the cooler's motor and other moving parts. This will help reduce wear and tear.
  • They can likewise inspect and replace cracked or frayed belts.

Consult an Air Conditioning Professional

This post has taught you how to use evaporative cooling, how evaporative coolers work, and the benefits of evaporative cooling over traditional air conditioning. It is essential to install evaporative air conditioners correctly. That is how you can get the best from them right from the beginning.

You must also ensure that any repairs and maintenance processes are expertly done. Otherwise, you risk losing the cost and energy-saving benefits. You should consult and hire an air conditioning contractor for your evaporative cooling needs.

They will provide services for cooling units that can help you lower your property's heating and cooling costs and can be used with solar arrays to make your home comfortable.